The College provides its students with opportunities to demonstrate competence at the college level from learning gained through learning experiences outside of a college or university credit-bearing course. The College shall follow Minnesota State Board Policy 3.35 in evaluating and awarding Credit for Prior Learning.
Credit for Prior Learning
Prior Learning (Competency-Based Education) allows students to present nontraditional learning as competencies to be evaluated for credit by qualified faculty members towards their educational program. These competencies must be the equivalent of what would have been achieved through college coursework. At Saint Paul College, Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) offers, on a limited basis, students with sufficient work, non-college credit and/or life learning experiences, the opportunity to document competencies and theory learning relevant to specific courses offered at the College. Credits earned from prior learning must be applicable to the student’s program of study. The Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) option may be available for a limited number of technical courses. Students interested in pursuing the option of earning credit for prior learning must discuss this option with the Faculty assigned to the course in which they are requesting the test out.
Please note the following:
- CPL assessment is assigned a Pass or No Credit grade
- Students MUST pay the assessment fee before the Faculty administers the assessment
- CPL assessment fees are charged at half the rate of tuition of the traditional course
- CPL assessment fees are non-refundable
- CPL assessment fees are not financial aid eligible
Further questions about Credit for Prior Learning? Please schedule an appointment with your Advisor to discuss further or fill out this survey and someone will get back to you in 3-5 business days.
Saint Paul College will consider CLEP exam credits for students who want to test out of general education courses and selected business courses. A maximum of 30 credits may be applied toward an associate degree. No letter grades will be recorded on the transcript. Credit will be awarded based on the American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations. Credit will not be given which repeats completed coursework.
Note: Colleges establish their own policies for accepting CLEP credit. Students should consult their transfer college’s CLEP policy to determine whether CLEP credits will transfer and/or how they will be accepted. Consult the College Board Web site ( for testing locations, fees and exam information.
Note: CLEP exams have changed and there are no longer General Exams as distinguished from Subject Exams. Computer-based CLEP exams administered prior to July 1, 2001 have the same score scale and credit-granting score as its paper-based counterpart. All CLEP computer-based testing (CBT) exams administered after July 1, 2001 have a uniform ACE recommended credit-granting score of 50 for all subjects.
Note: An official CLEP score report must be sent to Saint Paul College for Transfer of Credit evaluation.
Advanced Placement gives high school students an opportunity to take college-level courses in various subject areas. A score of 3 is the minimum for credit to be awarded. Grades of 3, 4 or 5 qualify students for credits and/or placement into advanced courses at Saint Paul College. Credit can be given for a specific college course if a test covers substantially similar material. If the test material does not match an existing course, students will be given elective credit. Saint Paul College will grant credit for AP examinations according to the following: Students may petition for elective credits to meet certain general education requirements for an Associate Degree. There is no limit to the total number of credits a student can earn through AP courses and tests. An official AP score report must be sent to the college using Saint Paul College 4 digit code 0534.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is an internationally recognized program through which high school students complete a comprehensive curriculum of rigorous study and demonstrate performance on IB examinations. Students may present a full IB diploma or a certificate recognizing specific higher level or standard level test scores.
Students who attain an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma shall be granted six (6) lower division course credits for scores of 4 or higher on each Higher Level IB examinations and two (2) lower division course credits for scores of 4 or higher on each Standard Level IB examination.
Note: An official IB score report must be sent to Saint Paul College for Transfer of Credit evaluation.
Articulated college credit (ACC) provides dual-credit towards both high school and college graduation. High school classes articulate to different colleges and universities in various subject areas. To find out which courses are offered at your high school, please see Many programs are articulated between Saint Paul Public Schools and Saint Paul College. Consult a high school counselor for more information concerning Articulated College Credit.
Students who receive a valid Minnesota Articulated College Credit certificate for one or more courses from their high school should present the certificate(s) and an official high school transcript to the Saint Paul College Record’s Office ( or their advisor at the time of registration or orientation. The student will receive transfer credit for these courses and the course(s) will be designated as such on the student’s SPC college transcript. The Minnesota Articulated College Credit certificates are usually valid for five years from the date of issue. (Please note: if you are looking to transfer, it will be up to that next institution if they will transfer these articulated college credit courses or not.)
High School students who earned Minnesota Bilingual or Multilingual seals may earn college credit through transfer. Students must submit their seal/certificate and high school transcript within 3 years of graduating high school to earn college credit. Students must be admitted to the college and have a declared major. Please contact your high school for questions about obtaining your seal, certificate and/or high school transcript.
For more information about Bilingual and Multilingual Seals, visit:
Saint Paul College does not evaluate international transcripts. If you have a transcript from a foreign country, you must have a third party transcript evaluator determine how the courses translate to U.S. courses. While we will accept evaluations from any AICE ( or NACES member (, we highly recommend Educational Credential Evaluators ( or World Education Services, Inc. ( Saint Paul College reserves the right to request additional information from you such as course descriptions, syllabi, etc. Transfer Specialists can look at a copy prior to evaluation if the transcript is in English to determine whether it is worthwhile to pursue the third party evaluation process (i.e., whether there are courses that are likely to transfer).
Note: Credits earned through Credit for Prior Learning may not transfer to other colleges.
Recent legislation in Minnesota requires Minnesota State Colleges and Universities to review military academic transcripts and give appropriate credit based on the American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations. The transcript evaluator will review your military training based upon the American Council of Education standards for Military Programs and provide you a copy of your Degree Audit Report (DARS) indicating what was accepted in transfer.
Note: For evaluation of military credits, students will need to order an official Joint Services transcript to be sent to Saint Paul College. Transcripts can be ordered at
Saint Paul College reviews coursework from external sources with American Council on Education (ACE) Recommendation (e.g. Straighterline, Sophia Pathways) for potential transfer of credit. The transcript must come from ACE’s transcript issuer Credly.
For more information regarding ACE Recommendations, please visit the ACE website:
To request your Credly transcript, please visit their website:
The ITP grant offers guidance, support and funding for internationally trained healthcare professionals who seek to relicense in the U.S. or pursue alternate medical career training.
You may be eligible for support through the Internationally Trained Professional (ITP) Grant if you meet the following:
- Foreign-born
- Authorized to work in the U.S.
- Internationally trained healthcare professional who wish to:
- Relicense in their field or
- Pursue alternate medical career training
CLEP Information
- Earn credit at Saint Paul College for what you already know
- Fulfill a graduation requirement
- Advance to higher-level classes
- Reduce tuition costs
What is CLEP?
The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of examinations in 33 introductory college subjects. These exams allow individuals to earn college credit for what they already know, regardless of how that knowledge was acquired through advanced course work, independent study, work experience, professional development or extracurricular activities. Saint Paul College awards credit for successful scores on CLEP exams.
CLEP exams are approximately 90 minutes long and are administered on a computer. Students receive instant score reports following completion of the exam, with the exception of College Composition.
CLEP testing is not currently offered at Saint Paul College, for testing locations and tips on preparing to take an exam, visit:
How to register for a CLEP exam
Students must create a College Board account and purchase exam vouchers online prior to test date at Please visit Exam Day Information before taking your exam.
Below is a listing of the exams for which Saint Paul College currently awards credit. For a comprehensive list (including prior exam dates and exams no longer offered), please consult Transferology or schedule a meeting with a Pathway Advisor.
- Information Systems
- Exam Date: January 2023 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: BTEC 1418
- Credits: 3
- Introductory Business Law
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: Elective
- Credits: 3
- Principles of Management
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: BUSN 2450
- Credits: 3
- Principles of Marketing
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: BUSN 1440
- Credits: 3
- American Literature
- Exam Date: June 2015 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: English Elective
- Credits: 3
- Analyze & Interpret Literature
- Exam Date: June 2015 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: English Elective
- Credits: 3
- College Composition
- Exam Date: June 2015 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: ENGL1711, ENGL1712
- Credits: 6
- College Composition Modular
- Exam Date: June 2015 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: ENGL1711
- Credits: 4
- English Literature
- Exam Date: June 2015 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: English Elective
- Credits: 3
- Humanities
- Exam Date: June 2015 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: Humanities Elective
- Credits: 3
- American Government
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: POLS 1720
- Credits: 3
- History of the US I
- Exam Date: August 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: HIST 1745
- Credits: 4
- History of the US II
- Exam Date: August 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: HIST 1746
- Credits: 4
- Human Growth & Development
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: PSYC 1720
- Credits: 3
- Introduction to Educational Psychology
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: Psychology Elective
- Credits: 3
- Introductory Psychology
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: PSYC 1710
- Credits: 4
- Introductory Sociology
- Exam Date: August 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: SOCI 1710
- Credits: 4
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: ECON 1720
- Credits: 3
- Principles of Microeconomics
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: ECON 1730
- Credits: 3
- Social Sciences and History
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: History Elective
- Credits: 6
- Western Civilization I
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: History Elective
- Credits: 3
- Western Civilization II
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: History Elective
- Credits: 3
- Biology
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: BIOL 1740
- Credits: 5
- Calculus
- Exam Date: August 2012 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: MATH 2749
- Credits: 5
- Chemistry
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: CHEM 1711, CHEM 1712
- Credits: 8
- College Algebra
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: MATH 1730
- Credits: 3
- College Math
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: MATH 1710, Math Elective
- Credits: 6
- Natural Sciences
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: Natural Science Elective
- Credits: 6
- Precalculus
- Exam Date: June 2016 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: MATH 1762
- Credits: 5
- French – College Level 1
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: Language Elective
- Credits: 5
- French – College Level 2
- Exam Date: June 2008 – Current
- Score: 59
- Course Equivalent: Language Elective
- Credits: 10
- German – College Level 1
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: Language Elective
- Credits: 5
- German – College Level 2
- Exam Date: June 2008 – Current
- Score: 60
- Course Equivalent: Language Elective
- Credits: 10
- Spanish – College Level 1
- Exam Date: July 2001 – Current
- Score: 50
- Course Equivalent: Language Elective
- Credits: 5
- Spanish – College Level 2
- Exam Date: August 2007 – Current
- Score: 63
- Course Equivalent: SPAN1710, SPAN1720
- Credits: 10
Advanced Placement
Title: History (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: ARTS 1720 – Art Appreciation (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 6
Title: Studio Draw (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: ARTS 1730 – Drawing 1 (Goal 6)
Credits: 6
Title: Studio Portfolio (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: ARTS Elective (Goal 6)
Credits: 6
Title: Biology (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: BIOL 1740 + BIOL 1745 – General Biology: The Living Cell + General Biology: The Living World (Goal 3)
Credits: 8
Title: AB (1st & 2nd semester)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: MATH2749 – Calculus I (Goal 4)
Credits: 4
Title: BC (2nd & 3rd semester)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: MATH 2749 + MATH2750 – Calculus 1+ II (Goal 4)
Credits: 8
Title: AB Subscore
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: MATH 2749 – Calculus 1 (Goal 4)
Credits: 4
Title: Chemistry (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: CHEM 1711 + 1712 – Principles of Chemistry 1 + 2 (Goal 3)
Credits: 8
Title: Chinese Language/Culture
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Intermediate Chinese Language Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 6
Title: Computer Science Principles
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: CSCI Elective
Credits: 4
Title: Computer Science A
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: CSCI 1410 – Computer Science and Information Systems
Credits: 4
Title: Computer Science AB
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: CSCI 1410 – Computer Science and Information Systems
Credits: 8
Title: Macro (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: ECON 1720 – Principles of Macroeconomics (Goals 5, 8)
Credits: 3
Title: Micro (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: ECON 1730 – Principles of Microeconomics (Goals 5, 8)
Credits: 3
Title: Lang & Comp (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: ENGL 1711+ ENGL 1712 – Composition 1 + 2 (Goal 1)
Credits: 6
Title: Lit & Comp (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: ENGL 1711 – Composition 1 (Goal 1) and Literature (Goal 6)
Credits: 6
Title: Environmental Science (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: BIOL 1725 – Environmental Science (Goals 3, 10)
Credits: 4
Title: Language (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Language Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: Literature (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Humanities Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: German Language (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Language Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: Comparative (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: POLS Elective (Goals 5, 8)
Credits: 3
Title: U.S. (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: POLS 1720 – Introduction to American Government (Goals 5, 9)
Credits: 3
Title: European (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: HIST Elective (Goals 5, 8)
Credits: 6
Title: United States (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: HIST 1745 + 1746 – U.S. History 1 + 2 (Goals 5, 7)
Credits: 6
Title: Human Geography
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: HIST1760 + HIST1761 – History of World Civilizations to 1500 + History of World Civilizations since 1500 (Goals 5, 8)
Credits: 6
Title: Human Geography
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: GEOG1720 – Human/Cultural Geography (Goals 5, 8)
Credits: 3
Title: Italian Language/Culture
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Language Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: Japanese Language/Culture
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Language Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 6
Title: Vergil (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Humanities Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: Literature (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Humanities Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: Music Theory (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: MUSC Elective (Goal 6)
Credits: 6
Title: Algebra Base
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: PHYS1720 – Principles of Physics 1 (Goal 3)
Credits: 4
Title: Algebra Base
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: PHYS1722 – Principles of Physics 2 (Goal 3)
Credits: 4
Title: B (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: PHYS1720 + PHYS1722 – Principles of Physics 1 + 2 (Goal 3)
Credits: 8
Title: C-Mechanics (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: PHYS2700 – General Physics 1 (With Calculus) (Goal 3)
Credits: 4
Title: C-Elec & Mag (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: PHYS2710 – General Physics 2 (With Calculus) (Goal 3)
Credits: 4
Title: Psychology (s)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: PSYC 1710 – General Psychology (Goals 2, 5)
Credits: 3
Title: Language (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: SPAN 1730 + 1740 – Intermediate Spanish 1 + 2 (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: Literature (f)
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: Humanities Elective (Goals 6, 8)
Credits: 8
Title: Statistics
Score: 3-5
Course Equivalency: MATH 1740-Intro to Statistics (Goal 4)
Credits: 4